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Sites recomendados RPG&S nº8

Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde

“A Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde, I. P., abreviadamente designada por ACSS, I. P., é um instituto público, de regime especial, nos termos da lei, integrado na administração indirecta do Estado, dotado de autonomia administrativa e financeira e de património próprio. A Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde, I. P. tem por missão assegurar a gestão dos recursos financeiros e humanos do Ministério da Saúde (MS) e do Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS), bem como das instalações e equipamentos do SNS, proceder à definição e implementação de políticas, normalização, regulamentação e planeamento em saúde, nas áreas da sua intervenção, em articulação com as Administrações Regionais de Saúde, I. P., no domínio da contratação da prestação de cuidados.”


National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)

Who we are: The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) provides guidance, sets quality standards and manages a national database to improve people’s health and prevent and treat ill health.

What we do: Guidance – NICE makes recommendations to the National Health Service (NHS) on:
– new and existing medicines, treatments and procedurestreating and caring for people with specific diseases and conditions.
NICE makes recommendations to the NHS, local authorities and other organisations in the public, private, voluntary and community sectors on:
– how to improve people’s health and prevent illness and disease.

Using NICE guidance may help you cut costs while at the same time maintaining and even improving services.


European Healthcare Management Association (EHMA)

“EHMA is a membership organisation that aims to build the capacity and raises the quality of health management in Europe. EHMA’s work splits into four core areas:

Policy: translating EU policy to the organisational level and influencing the EU policy agenda bottom-up.

Research: engaging in cutting edge research with some of the top research associations in Europe, including on health professional mobility and quality of care.

Management improvement: supporting healthcare delivery to be as good as the best in Europe, through networks,
events and projects.

Management education: joint European accreditation of postgraduate health management courses with FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation).”


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