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Livros sugeridos na edição nº12 da Revista Portuguesa de Gestão & Saúde

A saúde não tem preço mas tem custos

Autor: Ana Macedo, Ana Cristina Reis
Editora: Edições Sílabo
Ano: 2011

Sinopse: Neste livro, as autoras, assumindo que nada é evidente e nenhum conceito é supérfluo ou óbvio, explicam de um modo simples e pedagógico como funciona o mercado da saúde e de que forma se podem avaliar as diversas alternativas em termos de custos e consequências. Se o leitor dominar já um tema poderá passar, sem qualquer problema,para outro capítulo, podendo também ler um pouco aqui e outro ali, lendo aos bocadinhos. Este é um livro para ser interiorizado e não apenas lido.



Promising Care: How We Can Rescue Health Care by Improving It

Autor: Donald M. Berwick
Ano: 2013

Sinopse: Promising Care: How We Can Rescue Health Care by Improving It collects 16 speeches given over a period of 10 years by Donald M. Berwick, an internationally acclaimed champion of health care improvement throughout the course of his long and storied career as a physician, health care educator and policy expert, leader of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), and administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. These landmark speeches (including all of Berwick’s speeches delivered at IHI’s annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care from 2003 to 2012) clearly show why our medical systems don’t reliably contribute to our overall health. As a remedy he offers a vision for making our systems better – safer, more effective, more efficient, and more humane.


Sem TítuloThe Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations

Autor: Peter M. Ginter
Ano: 2013

Sinopse: A structured strategic management approach is what’s needed to tackle the revolutionary change the health care system has been experiencing. Today, health care organizations have almost universally embraced the strategic perspective first developed in the business sector and now have developed strategic management processes that are uniquely their own. Health care leaders have found that strategic thinking, planning, and managing strategic momentum are essential for coping with the dynamics of the health care industry. Strategic Management has become the single clearest manifestation of effective leadership of health care organizations

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